Instance logo - making it real

Creating new Software as a Service business, cloud based service or digital product can be a challenge.

Reduce risk, speed delivery and increase opportunities for your business by pulling an experienced advisor into your team on an as-needed basis.

I will quickly get up to speed with your industry, team and product to provide the professional advice you need for a successful digital project.

Whether you need a single workshop, help with a business case or management of a complete technical build, please get in touch.

I can help you to:

Test your idea or product concept

Quickly create a working prototype to trial with your customers and test your assumptions

Develop your business case

Compare business model options, develop a forecast and build your business case for funding

Manage your technical build project

Select a development partner, manage technical delivery and risk

Get the most from Agile delivery processes

Understand how to apply Agile approaches pragmatically to achieve business outcomes

Support your team with coaching and advice

Support your team with specialist experience. Facilitate planning and concept workshops

Bret Richdale is an independent SaaS consultant trading under the Instance brand NZBN 9429047962071Located in Wellington, New Zealand
Photos sourced from Unsplash